1. Have your ceremony and reception at the same location. (memang buat kat rumah jek...)
2. Keep the wedding cake simple. (yang penting....yellow themes!)

3. Donate your wedding dress to a charity when the wedding is over. ( alemak..syg la plak...)
4. Choose bridesmaids dresses that your friends will wear again. (reyna...jgn beli baju mahal2 tau...)
5. Have the groomsmen wear a suit they can use again for work. (sapa nak jadi ni pengapit ni???)

6. Use a florist who uses flowers from local or organic farms. (
in progress...)
7. Select a wedding venue close to your home. (
dah tentulah..buat kat rumahkn..)
8. Create your own bouquets from wildflowers. (
akan diusahakan..)

9. Keep the wedding small. The more guests you invite, the bigger the carbon footprint left from the wedding. (
2000pax tuh small or big wedding??)
10. Donate the flowers from your wedding to a hospital. (
erm org pernah buat ke ek?)
11. Purchase wedding shoes that you will wear again. (
ini sudah pasti!)

12. Use locally grown flowers for your arrangements.(
akan diusahakan..)13. Travel by train, rather than by plane. (kalau setakat nak pegi kelantan leh la naik train..)
14. Take an eco-considerate honeymoon. Travel close to home or consider eco-tourism for your honeymoon destination. (erm...nak pegi Pulau Tioman..!)

15. Have an outdoor ceremony and reception. (
dalam rumah ada pelamin jek...!)
16. Live green after the wedding. (
tapi tak suka warna hijau...!)
17. Use all local wedding vendors. (
18. Hire an all-digital photographer. (
akan diusahakan Khamis ni..)
19. When printing for your wedding, use a printer that can use paper with a high percentage of post-consumer recycled content. (
apa maksudnya??)
20. Use all natural make-up. (
saya memang suka yg natural...)
21. Rather than having a big party, elope! (
22. Travel to your guests instead! If most of your guests come from one part of the country, go to them instead of everyone coming to you. (
ada ke oversea guest nak mai??...)
23. Use a non-profit space to host your ceremony and reception. (
tanah kosong kat sebelah rumah ada...)
24. Tell out of town guests about the eco-friendly hotels in the area. (
ada 2,3 hotel eco-friendly kat Kluang ni...)
25. Have an outdoorsy honeymoon, such as camping, backpacking, or fishing. (
mungkinkah Pulau Tioman?)

26. Use your Grandma’s vintage veil. It can be your “something borrowed”. (
hah?? opah dah meninggal..mana nak cari??)

27. Give a reusable, locally made cloth tote bag to your bridal party as a gift. (
akan diusahakan...)
28. Collect all the paper products at the end of the night and recycle them. (kena bergotong royong dgn en. tunang la pas kenduri kan...)
29. Use a horse and carriage as your form of transportation, rather than a car. (haha...mana nak cari kuda ni? ada sapa nak sponsor??)
30. Use an environmentally friendly cleaner when it comes time to clean the dress. (erm..dobi je la kan..)31. Give all the guests a downloadable play list with your favorite songs. (
Biarlah Rahsia...lalala)
32. Use locally grown berries in your wedding cake. (
sedap ke berries ni??)
33. Have your bridesmaids wear black dresses that they already owned for the ceremony. (
hitam? tuh utk org mati jek...)
34. Give a donation in your bridal attendants’ names, in lieu of a gift. (
ermm..bagus ni..)
35. Continue spreading the word about ways to be eco-friendly to all your friends and family! (
en. MC..leh pinjam mic??)
kisahadique : sangat bermakna dan bermanfaatlah idea ni kan..mana yg boleh digunapakai akan aku usahakan..pape pun, aku perlu support...mana jalan buat sengsorang kn...